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Problems with unsightly veins are very common and their incidence increases significantly after the age of 40. The causes of varicose veins are widespread although heredity is the most common factor. Hormonal changes play a large part and this probably explains why more women suffer from varicose veins than men. Other contributory factors include obesity and prolonged standing. Varicose veins occur when veins do not properly return blood from the lower leg to the heart.
When the valves in the veins fail to function properly, blood leaks back through the valves and flows in the wrong direction. The blood overfills and distends the superficial veins under the skin, resulting in the bulging seen in varicose veins.
The walls and valves of veins are thin and elastic, and can stretch due to a variety of conditions including pregnancy, heredity and age. When varicose veins become severe, it is referred to as chronic venous insufficiency and the symptoms include aching pain, leg fatigue and heaviness, all of which worsen as the day progresses. Left untreated, chronic venous insufficiency can cause ulcerations, which can be very difficult to treat.
Nam velit est, luctus vel porttitor vitae, facilisis quis odio. Mauris ultrices turpis eget ante mollis, nec blandit tortor mattis. Sed nec enim tempor, luctus nisi quis, cursus erat. Vestibulum mi purus, fermentum non imperdiet a, maximus hendrerit magna. Fusce aliquam tempus vestibulum. Aliquam blandit ipsum nunc, vel tempus urna iaculis malesuada.
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